
欧洲通胀继续下降,目前看来大致可以确保欧洲央行今年会进一步降息。欧洲的CPI因经济进入衰退而受到抑制,其数据从 2.6% 降至 2.5%。然而欧洲股市继续下跌,市场预计 7 月 4 日美国独立日将出现进一步的政治混乱,而英国保守党政府已决定面对失败的选举结果,又一个全球主义政府即将被拒绝全球化、拒绝大规模移民、通胀和衰退的民众摧毁。然而用药可能比病更危险,即将上任的工党政府有可能会更糟糕。选举前,欧元交易价在 1.0740 左右,而英镑升至 1.2680。
美国就业岗位增加,与近期趋势相反,进一步考验美联储。美联储目前似乎在寻找推迟降息的借口,因此劳动力市场的任何收紧都会产生导致对应的效果。市场将关注亚洲、欧洲和美国即将发布的服务业和综合 PMI 数据,美国就业数据的影响将因独立日假期延长而得到缓解。
European inflation continued to move in the right direction, ensuring further rate cuts from the ECB this year. Inflation has been tamed by a deep and extended recession, falling to 2.5%, from 2.6%. European equity markets dipped lower as further political disruption is expected on July 4th, US Independence Day, which the British Tory Government had decided to face the electoral music. Yet another ‘woke’, globalists Government is about to be decimated by the people, who reject globalism, mass immigration, inflation and recession. The medicine is likely to be more dangerous than the illness, as the likely incoming Labour Government is probably going to be far worse, if at all possible. The EUR traded around 1.0740, while the GBP pushed up to 1.2680, ahead of the election.
US Job adds expanded, against recent trends, further testing the Fed. The Fed is looking for excuses to hold off on rate cuts, so any tightening in the labour market will do that. Markets will follow Services and Composite PMI data set to be released across Asia, Europe and the US. The impact of key US employment data will be cushioned, by the extended Independence Day holiday weekend.

